Dr. Shirley Ryan, of
Conscious Life Institute
“Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics that we do not yet understand.” ~Nassim Haramein, Physicist
Shirley Ryan has a doctorate in Consciousness, and is a trained hypnotherapist and medium, selectively working with both the Afterlife and the physical arena of planets throughout the universe, and the Earth. Working with her students and clients, she prepares them for a full spectrum of spiritual experiences and psychic development by uncovering blocks they have to returning to their spiritual power. Whether you wish to pursue consciousness to address daily life or go deeper into your spiritual journey, you will be in good hands.
Explore your higher consciousness.
Journey with Dr. Ryan for a spiritual adventures and intuitive exploration.
MESSAGES FROM THANES [Thanes is an extraterrestrial who passed to the Afterlife 10,200 years ago. She is my eternal guide, mentoring me and 50-60 other individuals scattered throughout the universe. I’m the only person with whom she mentors on earth, however, she does visit people from time to time. She also mentors many groups in the Afterlife.] From Thanes:
"We of the stars would now share part of our plan with each reader. We have created a process that sets the stage for your ongoing learning and growth. One part of the plan is to meditate 3 brief minutes a day, morning, and evening to provides healing of the mind, body, and spirit. This allows those of you willing to clear the mind and learn to be mindful of the present moment, to do so. The next is to learn better words to use when one cycles thoughts, although we would prefer a clear mind. If you must then cycle, we would hope that you learn how to cycle only the best of thoughts, so that each of you will raise your vibration. Lastly, becoming attuned to be a part of our community of higher vibrating people of the Earth, whose only goal is to connect with the healing of the planet so we might, at some point visit your world.
Our intention is to teach each of you to be a part of the plan. This plan is already in progress as groups are learning to explore their inner self, making a pathway and clearing out the debris of your life’s history that we may find the healing energy core within each of you. As that happens, we will provide more and more information to manifest your highest level of being on this planet. This will make way for a bright personal future, which will allow loving energy to manifest fully. The goal then is to flow with wisdom, calm and patience for the coming days. We of the stars invite you to practice clearing and learning here, how to represent that force for telepathic transference.
Learning who we are, how we will connect and what is to be gained will be provided in small pieces of a puzzle, which will eventually become a full picture for you to see, feel and be fascinated by. We will answer any and all questions and do appreciate interaction. Personally, I’d be happy to share the remarkable world of the Afterlife as well, my home for the past 10 thousand years. That is also offered as well as current life, and any extra-normal topics."
THANES, below, is an extraterrestrial who is a guide to Dr. Ryan. She lived on Ronez for 100,000 years, then on Earth for a short time after moving to the Afterlife 10,200 years ago. Her story is told in Channeling Thanes. She mentors me on the state of Earth and extraterrestrials from all over the universe. She was a flesh and blood AI in the physical world, designation physician. Which means she was created in a test tube through artificial conditions, much like in vitro insemination.
DR. SHIRLEY RYAN is a Channel to Thanes, a practicing medium, hypnotherapist, mentor or spiritual teacher, artist and author of 10 books on the subject of spirituality and consciousness. Watch me on my blog speak on TammyTuesday’s Podcast.
This 36 week Spiritual Development Program is designed to be experienced in weekly sessions. Take the whole program from start to finish (certificate of completion), or
Take the sessions that appeal to you.
Buy the books: These sessions are also available on Amazon in 3 books for reading, complete with exercises to experiment with.
One of the great joys of my life is offering an opportunity to use hypnotherapy to access higher consciousness to spend time with loved ones through consciousness to consciousness interaction. Clients can say last goodbyes, find out what their loved ones have been doing since their passing, and whatever one wishes to know. Of course, as a medium I can. Are that happen, but there is nothing like first hand connections with a loved one. Additionally, through hypnosis, you can connect with a past life and understand how that has related to you today. Check out the page on the Afterlife for more information.
The Declaration of Lights Team
Working to heal the Earth, and prepare for eventual contact.
The 19 members of the Declaration of Lights and the “Others” who are dedicated to Earth’s return to the flow of the Universe.
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Topics within these books by Dr. SHIRLEY RYAN, explore energy, consciousness, psychic development, extraterrestrials, our holographic universe, and our multidimensional selves.
Learn to use spiritual bridges to travel the multiverse.
Books by
Dr. Shirley Ryan
Enter the world of non-ordinary reality, by understanding how it is possible to connect to all of those parts of you that lay hidden within, those parts you were hardwired with at birth. Allow yourself to tap and manage psychic and spiritual powers that are meant for you like, spiritual photography, telepathy, remote viewing, out-of-body travel, and so much more.