Services Provided for Spiritual Development
Hypnotherapy to Past Lives
There is an old saying that if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. That truth applies not just to nations, but also to our individual lives and growth. It is the main reason that past-life memory should be pursued. However, that pursuit can be more than mere curiosity or entertainment but provide a deep reservoir of information and experience to create your own spiritual basis to best serve yourself. You will be put into a deep relaxing state of trance and asked open ended questions to explore what you see within your journey. After hypnosis that reveals another life, the experience continues with a free exchange of ideas, pulling from deeper layers of consciousness to gain extraordinary insights. We will explore your inner wisdom for profound personal growth and evolution.
Spiritual Counseling, Meeting Guides
An intuitive spiritual counselor contributes coaching and guidance as well as psychic impressions to help the client find out where their blocks and struggles are, what they are, how to change, and what to do to facilitate that change.
During this process you may meet your guide. Guides work with our internal energies to help us become more receptive to communication. They want us to know that it’s not necessary for us to be separated from our body in order to be aware of their presence. Guides can hear our thoughts and our spoken words, but only if we have directed them to our attention. If we call them, they hear us. They are helpers. They have been with us through many lifetimes in this physical world. They have agreed to assist us in the challenges and goals that we’ve set for our self.
Mentoring for Highest Self
The act of spiritual mentoring is when someone shares their knowledge, skills, and experience with another person to help them to progress. A spiritual mentor is someone who cares about you and wants the best for you. They know that the most important thing in life is to have a personal relationship with higher self, so they encourage you to invest in this relationship. As a result, you can grow spiritually and become aware of the inner gifts that each of us were hard wired with. Spiritual adventures are not random mystical events that only a few lucky individuals experience. In order for us to have a profound adventure and become authentic spiritual explorers, it is absolutely essential that our awareness move internally from the physical to the nonphysical. A spiritual experience is the natural act of withdrawing our awareness from the physical body and consciously reuniting with our spiritual essence.
Our Ability to Consciously Use the Unconscious is Like Magic
You do not have the soul, you are a soul. You are a soul that has a body. The soul nature, the conscious, it is initiating energy beyond the wiring and machinery of the physical body. In fact, the belief that you have a soul is one of the prime causes of people's limitations. Our soul is embedded within us sometime between the 3-4th month of gestation, but sometimes not until the last month or weeks before birth, this depends entirely on the soul’s goals, and their guide’s assistance with the process. Within my training program we seek to expand consciousness, open the door to the souls journey, and provide more awareness in discussions with one’s guides. The dictionary defines the soul as man's consciousness. It is the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
Soul development is the unfoldment of divine ideals in the soul, or consciousness of man, and the bringing of these ideals into expression in the body. This immaterial essence, is the animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life. The principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.
Our Soul Comes to Learn
We as soul incarnate as many times as necessary each physical vessel, in order to obtain the learning and wisdom necessary to move to the next level. We plan out lifetimes to concentrate on specific spiritual qualities. As a being becomes wiser and deepens qualities that we aspire to reach, our own vibration becomes higher, allowing us to perceive higher and finer levels of existence within the higher dimensions. Moving through the dimensions, viewing all of the possible experiences of past lives, near death and out-of-body experiences will allow us to see the world from a different perspective. To see that everything is possible, and that we have only scratched the surface of a fraction of whom we are in this mysterious, spiritual vessel in which we live. This is an adventure of a lifetime, to see our expanded potential and to know the truth.
The soul is considered the non-physical mind, it is pure soul or spirit, known as universal consciousness. Operating outside the boundaries of normal space and time, it is the great organizing and unifying force in the universe, infinite in scope and duration. By its nature, soul mind connects all things, because it is all things. It requires no attention, no energy, no approval; it is whole unto itself, and therefore attracts love and acceptance. It is eminently creative, the source from which all creation flows. It allows us to imagine beyond the boundaries of what local mind that sees as "possible," to think outside the box, and to believe in miracles.
In fact, the belief that you have a soul is one of the prime causes of people's limitations. If you have a soul, then you must be something else. That's something else you identify is with the physical body, and more limitations. So, your physical body is only an extension of the inner driver that is the soul.
We Return to the Physical Body Again and Again
Reincarnation literally means the return to the physical body. The belief is held that at death the soul exits one body and returns at some point to another physical form. Why believe in reincarnation? As humans we have many unanswered questions that are repeated over and over generation after generation. Who are we? Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where do we go from here? Why are we here at all? Why do we suffer from pain?
It is easy to go through life with the concept that we are born, we live and then we die and that’s all there is to it. With this theory, we may see life as empty and meaningless. Look through the lens of a new vehicle, a gateway to our multidimensional universe. See how a new world view can revitalize your life, relationships and work, bringing you profound wisdom in all you do!
Be sure to look for my blog videos that show a news snippet of a group of three people returning to the Afterlife after an accident, plus an animal also returning after passing.
Spiritual Photography
Spirit Photography began in the 1800s as a way of grieving people who have passed over, those who were grieving attempted to bring loved ones back from the Afterlife. However, as cameras, and now cell phones became more complex, they have brought a myriad of imagery that comes from between the energy frequencies of the dimensions. I’ll be posting many images on my blog, along with some background information. The image above comes from Rebecca Fisher, during her grief process 3 weeks after she lost her father.
Rebecca’s dad came back to say hello from the Afterlife. There are several images in this photo. One of a woman’s face in that rainbow-colored band in the top of the image, above the woman holding the animal. The other 2 are images are of a male, one full form standing with dark pants and shirt, arm/hand raised, like here I am. Face is fuzzy or perhaps in “glow” of light. The third is the top of his torso trying to push through to the dense 3D world. He is showing her that her soul (we leave 50-70% in the afterlife), is still in the afterlife, and that they are already together. Next, there is a blue band of light leading from the rainbow band directly to her head. The rest of the images are showing the rainbow images at different levels of energy/dissipation. Shared with permission from Rebecca.
Check my blog for more amazing spiritual photography along the way.
Out of Body Experience
Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are defined as experiences in which a person seems to be awake and sees his body and the world from a location outside his physical body. This is travel OBE using a consciousness to consciousness delivery process. This image is what I remember of a planet called Facia, I went there during an OBE around 2019 and I posted the trip during that time. The two hosts in the image I painted is Kbeuv or Kieve (male) and jirtra or Petra (female) above. They hosted a very elaborate celebration to honor my visit. Many people have OBEs and seem to prefer the auric regions, just below the Afterlife.
Although I do go to the Afterlife and auric regions, I really prefer to travel to the physical universe, our solar system and beyond. Such a thrill to fly free and explore everywhere I can go. Check back to see more on my blog, better yet, subscribe to my blog, to never miss a post.
Then to go deeper on any subject on this website or expand to ask questions of Thanes and I on the mysteries of extraterrestrials, non ordinary reality, paranormal or the Afterlife, see my Patreon Page, where we will access the 7 regions of the Afterlife and the 11 Dimensions of the physical universe, including Earth.
Paranormal and Non-Ordinary Reality
There are an infinite number of ways to express your psychic ability, but there are 8 main ways to express the “Claire’s.” Clairaudient is clear seeing; Claircognizance is clear knowing, Clairvoyance is clear seeing, Clairempathy is clear emotional feeling or feeling others emotions, Clairsentience is gut feeling, Clairtangency is PK psychometry or clear touching, Clairsalience is clear smelling, and Clairgustance is clear tasting.
To learn to manage these gifts, each of you have to learn how to unblock a lot of the history of childhood and teen chaos that leaves you stuck. It’s work worth doing, not so much for the gifts, but for the pure joy of release. When you release the past fully, life begins to take on new meaning, and everything, tastes, smells, feels, and looks different—a new world is born within you, a world of mastery. Once that happens, it is an easy transition to connect with your guides. In the case above, an Animal Caretaker Soul, who can work with someone who wishes to be an animal communicator.
The dictionary states that events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. Paranormal events are purported phenomena described in popular culture, folk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described as being beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. (Wikipedia) But what if, as Physicist Nassim Haramein reflects, “What if anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics that we do not yet understand.” see more in my blog or FB page, Spiritual Explorer.
Spiritual Development & Training
Within this Spiritual Development Program is training to go beyond the physical world, allowing you to move into non-ordinary reality. Perhaps the best way to think about a spiritual approach to the world is to contrast it with a more common materialistic approach.
• The materialistic approach to viewing the world: The materialistic approach relies primarily on empirical evidence provided by the five senses, what can literally be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled. This approach depends on the outer appearances of things to decide how and what to think and feel about them. A materialistic person fixes whatever may be wrong or out of place in his or her world by moving things around and effecting outer changes.
• The spiritual approach in viewing the world: In contrast, the spiritual way is to see beyond mere outer appearances and the five senses to an intuitive perception of the causes behind outer conditions. This can be seen as the “subtle senses.” Someone with a spiritual approach may change and uplift their world by first transforming and improving his or her own vision. One of the main teachings of spirituality is to look within and find what you seek within yourself first, then we can attract that perception in the material world.
Spiritual adventures are not random mystical events that only a few lucky individuals experience. In order for us to have a profound adventure and become authentic spiritual explorers, it is absolutely essential that our awareness move internally from the physical to the nonphysical. In this way, we approach all of life with the best part of ourselves, renewing and moving to better ways of viewing the physical world.
Expands Consciousness
As we seek to understand our inner life, we will explore what it is to be outside of all that we know and find grounding. This awakening to another part of existence allows us to see our evolutionary path throughout our lives on earth and perhaps where we live between lives. This potential, to go beyond the physical world to the sea of potentiality, provides a deeper look into us; what we are doing here at this particular time and what is next in our lives.
We as soul incarnate as many times as necessary each physical vessel, in order to obtain the learning and wisdom necessary to move to the next level. We plan out lifetimes to concentrate on specific spiritual qualities. As we become wiser and deepen our qualities that we aspire to reach, our own vibration becomes higher, allowing us to perceive higher and finer levels of existence within the higher dimensions. Moving through the dimensions, viewing all of the possible experiences of past lives, near death and out-of-body experiences will allow us to see the world from a different perspective. To see that everything is possible, and that we have only scratched the surface of a fraction of whom we are in this mysterious, spiritual vessel in which we live. This is an adventure of a lifetime, to see our expanded potential and to know the truth.
A spiritual experience is the natural act of withdrawing our awareness from the physical body and consciously reuniting with our spiritual essence. It is the direct result of specific and focused actions of consciousness, and it is available to all of us. Beyond the adventure of the experience, there grows a profound spiritual insight that is created as we experience how our lives have unfolded over many lifetimes to beyond the veil, to the Spirit World itself.
Enhances Individual Transformation
According to Sharon Janis, she states that “ Spiritual Transformation is a fundamental change in a person's sacred or spiritual life. In psychology, spiritual transformation is understood within the context of an individual's meaning system, especially in relation to concepts of the sacred or ultimate concern. Some of the distinguishing factors are:
• Spiritual transformation is a profound change in the self.
• The change is not simply a matter of maturation, but is typically identified with a process (sudden or gradual) by which the transformed self is achieved.
• This change in the self is radical in its consequences – indicated by such things as a new centering of concern, interest, and behaviors.
• This new sense of self is perceived as “higher” or as emancipation from a previous dilemma or predicament.
Spiritual transformation is thus understood as a radical reorganization of one’s identity, meaning, and purpose in life. Pargament (1997) suggests that this transformation occurs when an individual begins to feel connected to a spiritual force, identified as God, Christ, Allah, Buddha. This force, he posits, is not only transcendent but also significant to and shaping one’s immediate experience. Those who experience a spiritual transformation feel in touch with this sacred spiritual force that changes one’s worldview, range of emotions, and behaviors. [43]
Look for daily blog updates on a wide variety of non ordinary reality, extraterrestrials and the Afterlife.