Introducing My Soul Presence, Guan, Who is 10,200 Years Old. Those of you who have read our book, Channeling Thanes, probably have gotten to know a little bit more about my soul self, her name is Guan or Guan-a-me, as Thanes calls her. Guan is her name, and the "a-me" is what Thanes says is my personal style: determined! So, "a-me," is Ronezian means the "determined one." Yes, that does seem to wrap me up in a bow. Anyway, I wasn't getting a feel for what she looked like, so Thanes said if I draw, she will guide me to see what she looks like. I was kind of surprised, it wasn't as I expected. On the other hand, everyone in the Afterlife is beautiful because they are frequencies of light energy. This is what this light energy for this soul is projecting. Your light energy will also project an amazing light, so try to envision the light.
*Read more about her in our book, Channeling Thanes.
Once you have begun work with your guide, you may move in one of a number of directions. Some choose mediumship with the Afterlife, while some choose to work with extraterrestrials, some with both the Afterlife and Extraterrestrials, while others prefer to work with specialty activities, orbs, spiritual photography, soul balancing, aura balancing, or any number of psychic or non-ordinary activities. While some prefer hands on, like Reiki, or some spiritual counseling, others enjoy the detail of writing about these different ways of manifesting behaviors.
We of the physical world can have a lot of trouble getting along with others. According to Dr. Michael Newton, hypnotherapist specializing in Life Between Lives, he (and confirmed by my client base), souls within the Afterlife have no screen between them and their thoughts, in other words, they sense each other's thoughts telepathically. That means there is no confusion of communication. They sense each other's thoughts perfectly; therefore, no one can fudge on what they have learned or experienced upon the earth or other planets visited. They do have a personal telepathic screen, but everyone knows when this screen is pulled, it is for privacy of processing. That said, when the screen is raised, the knowledge gleaned is accessible to all.
As I have worked with my clients and students over the years, Thanes and I have assisted them to find their guides. Some have eternal guides, some have also specialty guides for writing, music, the arts, and other activities. During our sessions, Thanes has offered a guides name, and once a name is known, images, and circumstances arise to work deeper with your guidance. They are usually unusual names depending on where they have come from and how long ago they lived in the physical world. Guides are grouped as Eternal Guides, Specialty Guides such as those who work with creativity, or with nurturing others, or healing specifically the earth or a human being. There are many, who work with animal communication, earth projects, or building a field of knowing.
Each soul must learn about frequency manipulation, and energy distribution, as well as being a compassionate and caring group member, before moving into the physical world. Once they have come to some kind of an empathic level of operation, they are able to work on the physical plane of existence. Unfortunately, a large percentage of souls come to the physical world (Free Will) before they are able to understand specification and responsibilities of pursuing the physical dimensions. They become a plague upon the earth, inciting wars, gang-like thug behavior, and other unscrupulous endeavors. Those who are part of a soul group have met the criteria of student status and are able to become responsible people who lead others, in some way or other. As groups begin to become smaller, they are better trained and more able to be part of a functional society. There are levels of groups, and the smaller the group, the higher the level. For example, a level “I” group becomes specified in their work plan. After that these groups move into increasing higher levels, in other words, at levels I the soul is becoming ready to begin training, first in the Afterlife, then on to Earth, while a level V has passed all of his physical world training, five being the highest level before integration into highest soul, which would be 6-7, preparing for Source, then integration to Source God. However, the level five, when completing the physical challenges, will also begin training for their role in the Afterlife: one of the guide specificationss, like teaching and counseling, or animal caretaker, or some other specification.
The energy that you’re receiving is this way, is because you have trained yourself to be open. The group is not especially a high level group, but once they make that separation from the masses, the group joins with your higher consciousness and is experienced differently. Your friend David, who has passed, is referred to in the Afterlife as Da-Ni-el. People tend to Americanize or Nationalize names according to their own personal perspective. The difference between energy, frequency, is soul levels and guide levels. ~Thanes
The Off World People of Space are as Human as Us. I am a contactee and an artist with the ability to sketch my 14 extraterrestrial visitors. So I’ve done that for you, and myself. I love seeing them on paper, as this gives me a better sense of their personalities and how they appear in more formal attire. However, they have interesting personalities that are much more complex, so when they are in everyday clothes, they are more lighthearted, playful, and friendly. It’s like they are posing here, but I have caught them in their playful moods too. However, how you see the people of the universe depends on how you’ve developed to now. As you expand consciousness, you will begin to see the people of the universe as you see yourself, a vibrant member of humanity. As the late UFO/ETI expert Dr. John Mack revealed in his book, Passport to the Cosmos, “How we envision ETIs, depends on our level of work completed. See more at the link on Extraterrestrials or my next book AMRITA: Affiliated Membership of Renowned Intergalactic Tertiary Alliances.
For a billion years the people of the universe have fought the impulses of our humanity. As extraterrestrials we harvested the universe, it’s resources and eventually pledged alligence to a federation who, in the combined spirit of love, brought us together to join in orchestrating deliberate and profound unity for humankind. We of the stars wish to invite you to join us in this unity. We will not land until we know your planet has raised its energy vibration. Practicality of thought, openness to change and an ongoing dialogue offered in preparation to advance your civilization is your next purpose in life. Being a part of this experience will also change your personal life for the better. As your vibration is enhanced, so will your lifestyle expand to whatever you wish to see. This is the Law of the Universe. ~Thanes
Xiaomi had a big gala in honor of the Declaration of Lights team, along with the "Others" who are involved with channeling healing to Earth. Thanes found that dress a while back and said to keep it for her. I had no idea what she wanted it for, until this morning. She wanted to go to the gala in a dress instead of her uniform. Buddí and Trexsana choose to wear their uniform, because they are part of the Declaration of Lights team. Peshule and Genere couldn't make it due to prior commitments. is an image that was sent to me by Thanes from the big gala on Xioami, home of the Intergalactic Federation of Planets. See marker as I saw it on an OBE, out-of-body experience to the planet Xioami.