My guide Thanes chooses an image that matches her looks.
Some of my students were able to find pictures that might look like their guides, from their minds eye. I painted Thanes from memory, so I didn’t have a picture to work from. I asked her to find a picture on the internet that seemed like a match to her, and she did! Wow, wow, wow—feels just like her, although this is a serious “physicians” pose, because she is much more playful than this. I’m amazed—just plugged in images of redheads. I want to go back and make more shadows and details in her face on my original painting; I always meant to, but never got around to it. She says her nose is shorter than my picture, and her brows are less defined, otherwise a pretty good match. Grimace, she says no, leave it alone, lighting does odd things to pictures, so these are closely aligned. Feels like her to me.