Bella is a Great Medium’s Helper

Bella the Amazing Dog Assists Medium in Spiritual Photography. I include these photos here, because it shows another example of a photo that is turned into a X-ray. Now I want to start off by saying that Linda doesn't need Bella to do amazing work as a medium, but here is an example of Bella working with Linda on an unknown project. Anyway, one of my old students, now an amazing Medium, Linda Richmond Heithaus, has a family dog named Bella. She and her dog are a great projection duo, making lots of amazing imagery. In the first photo, Linda's iPhone goes off in her pocket as she takes an evening walk with her friend and Bella. Her iPhone creates the X-Ray vision photo that the Russian girl projects below. Kind of cool...In the 3 images below of Bella reaching over to smell the flowers also has a unique gift. Look at the cellophane in the second line of the photo. There you will see some images in the orb shot. The one without the orb shows a firefighter carrying hoses--With the cellophane, there is a masked doctor, like a surgeon, with all kinds of faces. One of the images I outlined shows a doctor and a doe, at one point, and something entirely different at another, but there are many images in all of the 3 images below. Orb images can fluctuate based on energetic frequencies. Can any of you see the faces?

*Linda Richmond Heithaus is a wonderful medium, and she can be private messaged for a reading.

Shirley Ryan

Dr. Shirley Ryan is a teacher, hypnotherapist, author, artist, and the founder of Conscious Life Institute, a business specializing in Spiritual Development Training Programs, spiritual counseling in the management of Mind, Body, and Spiritual change. Ryan began practicing meditation over 30 years ago, and is an expert in hypnotherapy, regression, spiritual healing, art therapy, CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy, and personal coaching. She eventually created and incorporated hypnotherapy into her spiritual healing practices for past life retrieval and spiritual regression with great success. She also enjoys training others in counseling practices. Professionally trained therapist and on organizational behavior, she has been featured in radio and press interviews internationally and has received critical acclaim for her work.

This 10 Year Old Child has X-ray Vision


More Orbs with Faces