Rewiring the Brain Part III: Consciousness & The Law of Attraction
Within this video, we'll pair how we think, with the science of the brain, to explain the chemical reactions that occur within us, making changes, or not. If you want to make lasting changes in your life, then by changing some outdated beliefs and ways of thinking, your mind and body become more current and fitting to your life, and worldview. More importantly, you become an unlimited self, and capable of more than you can imagine. In the next 3 videos, we are going to talk briefly about the science of the brain and how it is affects our life, behaviors, consciousness. and our spirituality. Also, we will look at how spirituality interfaces with all of these ideas. Hypnosis helps to rewire your brain for long term health and wellbeing; healing brain neurons (transmitters) and nerve connections. The chemicals of your brain are like a great big pharmacy within you.
Hypnosis allows you to access the placebo effect, activating our own internal pharmacy of chemicals for healing. Reprograming your brain and managing your inner resources is not only your right, but your gift from the Universe! Empower yourself today, to move to your highest and best self. Additionally, hypnosis can help you to learn to think differently. What I am saying is that through hypnosis you can take your brain off its looping default system of old programing, the kind that sends the same useless messages around in circles in your mind. Then replace those messages to create miracles, magic, and amazing opportunities in your life.