Simulation of an OBE to Trejexi also called Call Signal II
On my travels in OBE, out of body, I've found that there are some planets that are entertainment or vacation planets within a solar system of other galaxies, and I had the pleasure of visiting a couple of them. During discussions with my guide, while out mapping the universe she shared this special place, which showed up on a Crop Circle. There are others, but one such place offers the beauty and power of the crystal geysers with their spewing colors culminating is magnificent spires of crystal towers. There is much to do, for those who cannot or feel no need to travel the universe. Representations of far-off planets and their habitats can be visited along with the observation of flora and fauna. One favorite of many is the crystal geysers that gush or burst out with great force, spewing various colored fluids in a gigantic spray of crystalline beauty. These living hot waters adapt quickly into a surround of colorful, glass-like towers that glow and glitter. Each of the towers, when approaching a certain measure of height, peak into a subtle series of frequencies of all-encompassing beauty, and a collaboration of tones.