Entertainment is the First Bridge to Consciousness & Astronaut.

Entertainment is the first bridge to consciousness and astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti shows off her 'Star Trek' uniform in space. Throughout the ages, artists and writers spoke of and painted mental and physical images of places and experiences that seem exotic and otherworldly. P.M.H. Atwater addressed the notion of fiction as a bridge, “The astonishing ability of fiction to accurately foreshadow what physically occurs happens more often than you might think. It’s almost as if on some level, knowingly or unknowingly, consistently, or occasionally, individuals can tap into or stumble across the other dimensions of reality, as well as the ready availability the predestined to potential future.” In the end, using romantic visions, the esoteric and the mysterious to draw us deeper into other realms, expands us, opens us up to a wider perspective. Many times, especially in years past, artistic perspectives were filled with archetypes.

Enter the era of Star Trek! The characters were cool not because of looks, wealth, or social position, but because they were very good at their jobs. It is a rare television show that sends the message that it is cool to be smart. Star Trek's optimistic view of the future stands as a contrast to the bulk of science fiction. The "Star Trek" effect has made the cultural impact that the television show has had on societies where it has been shown regularly since 1967. Words from the Star Trek lexicon have made their way into our dictionaries, and phrases such as "beam me up" have worked their way into our culture. Unfortunately, the technology for teleportation as a process would not be workable, even though scientists have teleported photons 300 miles into space. My guide Thanes tells me that the reality of spreading your molecules all around space is impractical, not to mention the fact that your cells would fry in the process of teleportation. I guess it is complicated and beyond our need to know at this moment in time.

Inventive, real-world technology has been influenced by Star Trek began to propel and expand the development of our society. Each has many uses, e.g., Flip communicators are phones, and also wearable shoulder PA systems in hospitals, EMTs, police, and more. Some are completed and some are in the process of development, regardless, we saw it first on Star Trek. “The Star Trek franchise brought us Food Replicator, Universal Translator, Tablet Computers, Tricorder, (medical and geological), the Holodeck, Communicator Badge, Tractor Beam, Natural Language Queries, Warp Drive, Phaser, Teleportation, Hypospray, Flip communicators (and wearable badge communicators), Handheld Computers, Energy Weapons, and more. Some are being used in full capacity, while other technologies from the Star Trek universe, like Androids and Artificial Intelligence, Transparent aluminum, Bluetooth headsets (Uhura had one first), Google Glass, Portable memory (from floppy disks to USB sticks), Focused ultrasound technology, Biometric data tracking for health and verifying identity, GPS, Automatic doors, Big screen displays, Real-time universal translators, Teleconferencing, Visor bionic eyes for the blind, Diagnostic beds, Warp Drive are much closer to becoming reality.”*

*From Channeling Thanes, by Dr. Shirley Ryan

**See more about Spiritual Bridges at the Afterlife Link.

Shirley Ryan

Dr. Shirley Ryan is a teacher, hypnotherapist, author, artist, and the founder of Conscious Life Institute, a business specializing in Spiritual Development Training Programs, spiritual counseling in the management of Mind, Body, and Spiritual change. Ryan began practicing meditation over 30 years ago, and is an expert in hypnotherapy, regression, spiritual healing, art therapy, CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy, and personal coaching. She eventually created and incorporated hypnotherapy into her spiritual healing practices for past life retrieval and spiritual regression with great success. She also enjoys training others in counseling practices. Professionally trained therapist and on organizational behavior, she has been featured in radio and press interviews internationally and has received critical acclaim for her work.


My Guide Thanes Says, Contact will be in 8-10 Years


This Child Remembers Life as an Adult Male.