This Child Remembers Life as an Adult Male.
This child remembers life as an adult male. In the case of Nazih Al-Danaf. Nazih was born in Lebanon and started describing the life of a man unknown to his family. He talked about how, in his previous life, he had carried pistols and grenades, had a pretty wife and young children, had a two-story house with a cave nearby, had a mute friend, and that he had been shot by a group of men. Nazih demanded that his family take him to the house of the previous personality in a town ten miles away. When they got near the house, locals described how a man named Fuad had died in the way Nazih described.
Fuad’s widow asked Nazih who had built the gate at the entrance, and Nazih correctly answered “A man from the Faraj family.” He went on to correctly describe where Fuad used to keep his weapons, how Fuad’s daughter had become seriously ill by taking some of her father’s pills, and he spontaneously called Fuad’s brother by his correct name. When the brother asked for proof of Nazih’s memories, Nazih said that he had given him a Checki 16 pistol from Czechoslovakia, which turned out to be true. These guns are extremely rare in Lebanon. The brother even tried to fool Nazih by showing him a different gun, which Nazih correctly noticed. Nazih then went on to accurately describe the owners of the surrounding houses without meeting them. The odds that Nazih could describe all these details by pure chance is nearly zero.
Source: Jim B. Tucker, Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children’s Memories of Previous Lives (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005), p. 4.