Near Death Experience of a Woman from Canada
Near Death Experience of Woman From Canada Ramona M...Yet, before I could act, I heard a powerful voice and felt like I didn't have a choice in what to do. At the same time, I also had a most peaceful sense of surrender come over me. The voice told me, 'Take your hands off the wheel.' Time slowed down as the back end of the car came around. It felt like I was up above and watching the car. In slow motion, the back end of the car came around and shot across the road. The back end crashed into a hydro-pole.
She had a near-death experience immediately prior to car crash with information that may have saved her life. In the NDE, the woman listened to her higher self and surrendered. Thanes tells us that fear is unnecessary and until you are ready you are protected by forces outside of yourself.
*NDE collection of Dr. Jeffery Long, researcher.