We Leave Part of Our Soul in the Afterlife
We Leave Part of Our Soul in the Afterlife This is from my guide Thanes: as you select a body to reincarnate into, you also choose how much of your energetic soul to bring with you into the next life. Those with little reincarnation experience choose to bring to much of the soul with them, over 50% is too much. Therefore, they tend to have difficulty containing their energetic body during their life. Those who bring too little energy seem to have little drive in the physical world and may experience autoimmune difficulties. ~Thanes
Thanes says we typically embed into the physical body between the 3rd and 4th month. Although, I definitely entered the physical body at birth, and I do remember that experience hovering over the birthing table. I shared the whole experience with my mother and aunt when I was 8 years old. They both freaked out. I believe I have it in the Explorer pages somewhere—just do an inner search for my birth.
Also, if you do an inner search on Rebecca Fisher, you will find pictures and a little story of her at a party, holding a pig. Above her is a rainbow stream and within the stream are pictures of her and her father looking down on her. This was the first time she did anything pleasant after her father died, and she had a few moments of reprieve from her grief.