Part of a blow-by-blow account of a UFO Presence

This is interesting because, there were 2 prominent UFO-UAP activities within 6 months of each other in 1977, and both are featured on separate posts below.

PART OF A BLOW-BY-BLOW ACCOUNT OF A UFO PRESENCE On MAY 17, 1977 two Memphis Tennessee policemen have a close encounter with a UFO.

“A UFO that hovered over a golf course in Memphis, Tennessee was truly enormous, say two police officers who stood almost underneath it. It was about as long as a football field and fifty to seventy-five yards wide,” said Patrolman Troy Todd. He and his partner, Patrolman Jerry Jeter, were definitely impressed. It was three hundred to five hundred meters above us, and we could see the whole belly of the craft,” Jeter said.

The two were members of the police department’s Tactical Squad, men who are specially chosen for their coolness, intelligence, and special skills with weapons. Three other members of the squad saw a similar object earlier in the evening but at a greater distance. I believe what I saw was an unidentified flying object and I believe it was some aircraft not of this earth,” said Todd, then twenty-nine.

The two men reported seeing the object hovering over a municipal golf course in the southern part of Memphis about three thirty in the morning of May 17, 1977. They got out of their unmarked police van and watched the object for two or three minutes. As members of the Tactical Squad, they carried special weapons with them. Jeter took a rifle with a telescopic sight out of its case to get a better look at the craft. He said that as soon as he shouldered the rifle and pointed it at the object to look at it through the scope, the object shot off across the horizon in an instant. It was an awesome sight and marked the end of a strange night for Todd, Jeter and three other officers.

Four and a half hours earlier, three other members of the Tactical Squad, patrolmen John Birdsong, Michael Davidson, and Forrest Bartlett, saw a triangular-shaped object lit up like “a Christmas tree” as it flew over a police officer in the northern part of the city.

A triangular object was spotted. Birdsong was going off duty at the time and the other two were just going on duty. The three said nothing to anybody at the time about their sighting. However, later in the night when Jeter radioed the central dis­patcher and said he and Todd had sighted a UFO, Davidson asked them by radio if it was triangular in shape and had multicolored lights. Jeter replied yes. Until then, neither he nor Todd had said anything on the radio about the object’s shape or lights and had given no other details. All five officers believe they saw the same object.

Of the two sightings, the one by Jeter and Todd was more spectacular. They had been driving an unmarked police van south on Interstate 240 in the city when Todd spotted something in the sky. I was driving and as we approached the Norris Road exit I observed to my left, which would have been to the east, a triangular-shaped series of lights over some high-tension towers,” said Todd. I really didn’t know what I had seen. It was a long, triangular-shaped series of lights approximately thirty-five to fifty feet above those towers and it tapered down to a narrow point…

The rest of the story will be featured in my book AMRITA: Affiliated Membership of Renowned Intergalactic Tertiary Alliances, by Thanes and Dr. Shirley Ryan.

NOTE: The image is artwork a CGI. The article comes from Ken Pfeifer UFO

Photos and News.

Shirley Ryan

Dr. Shirley Ryan is a teacher, hypnotherapist, author, artist, and the founder of Conscious Life Institute, a business specializing in Spiritual Development Training Programs, spiritual counseling in the management of Mind, Body, and Spiritual change. Ryan began practicing meditation over 30 years ago, and is an expert in hypnotherapy, regression, spiritual healing, art therapy, CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy, and personal coaching. She eventually created and incorporated hypnotherapy into her spiritual healing practices for past life retrieval and spiritual regression with great success. She also enjoys training others in counseling practices. Professionally trained therapist and on organizational behavior, she has been featured in radio and press interviews internationally and has received critical acclaim for her work.

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