The Train Ride from PA to Miami

I came across this in my journals. My mom said that this actually happened.  I have a vivid scene in my mind of being on a train, on my mother’s lap. She was wearing a taupe-colored suit and a little hat. I was a very young infant of perhaps weeks old. My mother spoke to the conductor, asking him to warm my bottle. He was warm and friendly, a black male of 50ish, graying at the temples. He wore a 40’s uniform, lots of brass buttons and a round hat with a shiny bill. I Googled the uniform, wow, it is perfect. She handed him a bottle and asked if he could warm it. Sure, he said without a thought and soon he returned with the bottle in his hand. I had never seen a baby bottle like that before. The nipple was all rubber and slipped onto the bottle.

Shirley Ryan

Dr. Shirley Ryan is a teacher, hypnotherapist, author, artist, and the founder of Conscious Life Institute, a business specializing in Spiritual Development Training Programs, spiritual counseling in the management of Mind, Body, and Spiritual change. Ryan began practicing meditation over 30 years ago, and is an expert in hypnotherapy, regression, spiritual healing, art therapy, CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy, and personal coaching. She eventually created and incorporated hypnotherapy into her spiritual healing practices for past life retrieval and spiritual regression with great success. She also enjoys training others in counseling practices. Professionally trained therapist and on organizational behavior, she has been featured in radio and press interviews internationally and has received critical acclaim for her work.

Part of a blow-by-blow account of a UFO Presence


Short Communication Board Demonstration