Bridges to the Afterlife Series: Bridges to the Light
The Universe waits patiently for us to move to higher levels of being with the Earth. They offer that we have what we need to do this within us, all we need to do is listen to inner self. Each of us are more empowered than we can ever know.
Bridges to the Afterlife: We Choose Our Destiny
No matter where we come from, or what has occurred....We choose our destiny with the words we think every day. Our thoughts become a sense of wonder and light in the world, or a sense of suffering, and turmoil for our self, our communities, and the planet. Shift your thoughts, and your feelings change, you send out better feelings to all you meet, and your communities change, and if enough communities change, it can change the face of the world.
I painted Thanes, my guide, 10 years ago.
Thanes finds a real-life match to her painting that I made of her many years ago. Several of my students were able to find pictures that might look like their guides, from their minds eye. I painted Thanes from memory many years ago, so I didn’t have a picture to work from. I asked her to find a picture on the internet that seemed like a match to her, and she did! Wow, wow, wow—feels just like her, although this is a serious “physicians” pose, because she is much more playful than this. I’m amazed—just plugged in images of redheads. I want to go back and make more shadows and details in her face, I always meant to, but never got around to it. She says her nose is shorter than my picture, and her brows are less defined, otherwise a pretty good match. Grimace, she says no, leave it alone, lighting does odd things to pictures, so these are closely aligned. Feels like her to me.
Souls who have committed Suicide in the Afterlife.
Souls who have committed Suicide in the Afterlife. Some have asked about going Home after a suicide. While there is no judgment in the Afterlife, there is a sense that is shared that the person who leaves the earth under these circumstances has wasted a perfectly good life, but the judgment belongs to the person who has passed, and not anyone else within the Afterlife. This is a personal issue to overcome and grapple with once settled back into routine. There is no evil or hell, only what the ego mind fabricates, and the ego mind does. Therefore, use your ego mind well. A computer mind operates, garbage in, garbage does the human mind, put beautiful things into your mind to elevate your physical Self and your soul will benefit too.
My guide Thanes chooses an image that matches her looks.
Some of my students were able to find pictures that might look like their guides, from their minds eye. I painted Thanes from memory, so I didn’t have a picture to work from. I asked her to find a picture on the internet that seemed like a match to her, and she did! Wow, wow, wow—feels just like her, although this is a serious “physicians” pose, because she is much more playful than this. I’m amazed—just plugged in images of redheads.
I want to go back and make more shadows and details in her face, I always meant to, but never got around to it. She says her nose is shorter than my picture, and her brows are less defined, otherwise a pretty good match. Grimace, she says no, leave it alone, lighting does odd things to pictures, so these are closely aligned. Feels like her to me.
Bridges to the Afterlife: A World Within Our Reach—Video Introduction
Within these pages, we will provide evidence of the soul’s existence, and of the Afterlife, a dimension between lives where the soul and consciousness reside. This book, we will demonstrate that there is coherence and consistency in what vast numbers of subjects’ report of that dimension, during deep trance hypnotherapy, mediumship, and near-death-experiences. That the Afterlife is of intelligent design and organization, one of harmony, coherence, and connection. Finally, that humanity is veiled in amnesia to allow us to make choices of free will within the contrasts of duality. When one is here due to a need to expand their consciousness when residing outside of the planet Earth, they also may experience temporary amnesia, but not on such a deep level. Most of these individuals know they are here from elsewhere. Dr. Shirley Ryan
Three reputable professionals. Ryan Graves, executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace (left), retired Air Force Maj. David Grusch and retired Navy Cmdr. David Fravor are sworn in during a House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee hearing on UFOs on Wednesday.
The laws of the universe were discussed through many early pioneers.
THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE WERE DISCUSSED THROUGH MANY This 300-year-old author penned an essay that experts today say were actually 3 anonymous people. I took a semester of this one essay, probably 30 pages, and not for the faint of heart. Bottom line, it is a precursor to the Law of attraction, which discusses your energy, cause, and effect, and using it wisely. "As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul." ~Hermes Trismegistus
From Thanes: My dear people of the Earth, each of you are a magnet for energy that will bring you to your highest level of existence. When you reach this state, the doors of this world will open to reveal a greater reality. Live in the physical world but allow the door to other worlds to be cracked open. Attract those of your own frequency for a life of unbridled flow. ~Thanes
We all live in the same world but don't live in the same frequency.
Dr. John Mack was an early pioneer of UFOs and extraterrestrials. He also made early decisions on the abduction theories.
Metaphysics is just the science that we don’t know yet.
Throughout the years, Schrödinger's cat analogy has been used to illustrate emerging theories of how quantum mechanics works. In the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum law, for example, the cat is both alive and dead. In simple terms, Schrödinger said that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat were dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was both "dead and alive". The cat ends up both dead and alive at the same time. Because the existence of a cat that is both dead and alive at the same time is absurd and does not happen in the real world, this thought experiment shows that wavefunction collapses are not just driven by conscious observers. From Thanes:
My dear people of Earth, this earth science is the underpinnings of metaphysical phenomena that shows how one can have one foot in the physical world and one foot in the spirit world, or Afterlife. This is pure science, not psychic phenomena. The scientists of earth simply don’t understand this process yet, but my host does this every day, and all day! ~Thanes
Trips to the Afterlife & Space with Our Guide Thanes
Coming to Amazon Soon! Trips to the Afterlife & Intergalactic Space. Bridges to the Afterlife will come first, next AMRITA, each will be available within the next 6 months. Welcome to the fascinating Afterlife, an interesting aspect of the Afterlife is that you can create whatever way you want your Heaven to be like. Beautiful cities, lovely gardens, expansive plains, dark cloistered places or, like my host’s friend, a navel vessel with his best shipmates aboard, perpetually roaming the seas, drinking coffee out of mugs and never quite getting to shore. Each of you have your own personal desires for what the perfect environment would look like and those moments in time that bring back joy and happiness. That is what you are able to create for yourself at the moment of passing, after meeting with guides, family, friends and Elders. There are two parts to these Afterlife experiences, one for the bliss of everyday life with like minded groups of souls and the other is your learning opportunities in group or individual classes.
AMRITA: Affiliated Membership of Renowned Intergalactic Tertiary Alliances, also by Thanes and Dr. Shirley Ryan. This book explores 13 living extraterrestrials on 9 planets and one space station. The people of the universe, their scientific exploration, their personal understanding of the universe and the unique lay of the land that they visit will provide fascinating adventure into space and exploration. My guide Thanes says that this is an opportunity to see the ordinary lives of those of the universe, in extraordinary environments. Join us within the pages of these books, but until then, get to know them on the Extraterrestrial page, where you will find an overview of each of the 14 ETIs who have been a part of my life for the past 37 years.